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We have completed an end number of projects successfully and have become the preferred choice of various government and non-government organization. Professional competence and thoroughness are maintained by us during the execution of every project. We have specialization in providing turnkey solutions for various projects that contribute a lot towards infrastructural development of the nation.
Bhatpara 104 Mld Water Treatment Plant
The design, construction, and commissioning of the 104 MLD capacity Surface Water Treatment Plant at Bhatpara Municipal area was a massive undertaking encompassing all aspects of the project including the trial run, operation, and maintenance 12 months on a turnkey basis. This was done under the JNNURM project, and the successful completion of this project has provided the residents of Bhatpara with a reliable source of clean drinking water. This is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all the individuals involved in the project and the positive impact it has had on the community.
Baranagar 1.5 Mgd Water Treatment Plant
Diamond Harbour Water Treatment Plant
Ulubaria Water Treatment Plant
Design, Drawing, Construction, Commissioning 18 MLD capacity surface water treatment plant with space savings technology along with other allied works including necessary augmentation under Phase-II of water supply scheme at Uluberia Municipality on turnkey basis including 12 months operation and maintenance under KMW&SA
Balurghat Water Treatment Plant
Survey, Design, Construction and Commissioning of 18.29 MLD capacity conventional type Surface Water Treatment Plant with Substation and all other allied works at Balurghat including Trial Run and thereafter one year Operation and Maintenance on Turnkey basis under Balurghat Municipality and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte
Bhadreswar Water Treatment Plant
We have successfully completed the design, construction, commissioning, and trial run of a 26 MLD capacity water treatment plant using advanced technology and space-saving techniques at Bhadreswar Municipality. The plant, which is capable of water treatment with a quality of less than 1 NTU, included a 3-month trial run and 12 months of operation and maintenance period. The project also included the construction of an underground clear water reservoir, pump house, sump, boundary wall, internal drain, road, pathway, land development, and electrical substation. The project was completed under the JNNURM scheme and will play an important role in the municipality's efforts to improve water supply and infrastructure.
Titagarh Water Treatment Plant
Design, Drawing, Construction and Trial Run of 3050 cum/hr (70 MLD) capacity surface water treatment plant with space savings technology under Trans-Municipal Water Supply Scheme of Titagarh and Khardah Municipality with all civil, electrical and mechanical works under KMW&SA on Turnkey basis including 12 months operation and maintenance
10 Mgd Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant (Phase-1)
The design, construction, commissioning, and trial run for 3 months, as well as 12 months of operation and maintenance, including supply of coagulants and disinfectants as required, have been successfully completed for the 10 MGD capacity Water Treatment Plant at Padmapukur under AMRUT. The plant utilizes space-saving technology and is capable of producing treated water with a quality of less than 1 NTU. The project, which includes both civil and electro-mechanical work, was executed on a turnkey basis under the Howrah Municipal Corporation, ensuring the efficient and effective treatment of surface water for the benefit of the local community.
Kanchrapara Water Treatment Plant
Design, Construction & Commissioning of 1200 cum/hr. capacity (6 MGD) Water Treatment Plant and 1.0 MG capacity Underground Reservoir cum Pumping Station with Electrical Sub-Station building within the trenching ground of Ward No.12 & 13 of Kancharapara Municipality on Turnkey basis under KMDA
Serampore Wtp 27 Mld (Civil & E&M)
27 MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant including 1500 cum capacity CWR cum Pumping Station and electrical Substation for Srirampore Municipality under KMDA
Operation and maintenance of 4.5 MGD capacity Water Treatment Plant and Intake Pump of Howrah Water Works located at Srirampur including supply of Chemicals (Alum-Gr.IV, PAC, etc. as applicable and liquid chlorine, as per requirement) and laboratory chemicals, cleaning of premises, disposal of sludge from sludge pond etc. at Srirampur Municipal area for a period of 1(one) year including Guarding of Water Treatment Plant Campus and all other assets of KMDA in the campus round the clock.
Serampore Wtp 4.5 Mgd (Civil & E&M)
Operation and maintenance of 4.5 MGD capacity Water Treatment Plant and Intake Pump of Howrah Water Works located at Srirampur including supply of Chemicals (Alum-Gr.IV, PAC, etc. as applicable and liquid chlorine, as per requirement) and laboratory chemicals, cleaning of premises, disposal of sludge from sludge pond etc. at Srirampur Municipal area for a period of 1(one) year including Guarding of Water Treatment Plant Campus and all other assets of KMDA in the campus round the clock.
Pujali Water Treatment Plant
9 MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant including CWR cum Pumping Station for Pujali Municipality, Dist. South 24-Parganas (W.B.) under KMDA
Nabadwip Water Treatment Plant
Survey, Design, Construction, and Commissioning of 23.19 MLD capacity conventional type Surface Water Treatment Plant & 1.52 ML capacity CWR cum Pumping Station and Sub-Station along with all other allied works at Nabadwip on Turnkey Basis including 3 months trial run & thereafter 1(one) year operation and maintenance with security and guarding arrangement within Nabadwip Municipality and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte.
Ranaghat Water Treatment Plant
Operation and Maintenance of 14.62 MLDWater Treatment Plant at Ranaghat Municipal area for the period of 60 monthsincluding Guarding of water treatment plant campus and all other assets of RanaghatMunicipality in the campus round the clock under UIDSSMT programe.
Durgapur 7mgd Water Treatment Plant
Barrackpore 7.5 Mgd Water Treatment Palnt
Malda 5.231 Mld Water Treatment Plant
Design, construction & commissioning of 5.231 MLD Water Treatment Plant on turnkey basis at Malda for water supply scheme for Balupur (Ratua-I) under Malda Division, PHE Dte.
Purbasthali-Ii 12.09 Mld Water Treatment Plant
Garulia 4.1 Mgd Water Treatment Plant
Detailed design, drawing, construction, commissioning of 4.10 MGD capacity surface water treatment plant & 1015 cum capacity UGR-cum-Pumping Station along with all allied works at Garulia Municipality, 24-Parganas (N), West Bengal on Turnkey basis under JNNURM project
Beldanga 5.82 Mld Water Treatment Plant
surveying, planning, Designing, Delivery, Erection, construction & completion of all Civil Works including allied Mechanical works related to conventional water Treatment Plant
capable of producing 5.82 MLD treated water (after 5% treatment loss) for Arsenic Affected Areas of Beldanga Municipality and Adjoining Mouzas of Murshidahacl District followed by 3(three) months Trial Ran & subsequent Operation & Maintenance for 1(one) Year.
Beniagram 7.60 Mld Water Treatment Plant
Surveying, planning, designing, delivery, erection, construction and completion of all civil works including allied mechanical/electrical works related to conventional Water Treatment Plant capable of producing 7.60 MLD treated water for Surface Water based Water Supply scheme under Arsenic Master Plan for Beniagram and adjoining mouzas at Farakka Block in the district of Murshidabad followed by 3(three) months trial run and subsequent operation and maintenance for 1(one) year
Kahala Water Treatment Plant
New Town Raw Water Intake Sump
Design and Construction of RCC Intake Sump with superstructure for 20 mgd (Ph-II) for installation of pumping machineries at WTP for New Town Kolkata W/S project along with operation & maintenance for 1 year under New Town Kolkata W/S Division-I, P.H.E. Dte.
Diamond Harbour Intake Jetty
Balurghat Intake Jetty
18.29 MLD capacity Raw Water Intake Jetty cum Pumping Station including electrical Substation for Balurghat Municipality, Dist. Dakshin Dinajpur (W.B.) under Municipal Engineering Directorate, Govt. of W.B.
Dhuliyan Intake Jetty
10.47 MLD capacity Fixed Intake Jetty structure with pumping station at Dhuliyan, Dist. Murshidabad (W.B.) under Municipal Engineering Directorate, Govt. of W.B.
Kalna Intake Jetty
6.27 MLD capacity RCC intake Jetty structure with raw water pumping station for Kalna Municipality, Dist. Burdwan (W.B.) under Municipal Engineering Directorate, Govt. of W.B.
Nabadwip Intake Jetty
Surveying, Geo-Technical Investigation, Designing and Construction of Intake Jetty structure with raw water pump house and one no. sub-station for drawl of water from river Hooghly and other allied works including trial run and thereafter one year O&M at Nabadwip under Nabadwip Municipality and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte.
Ranaghat Intake Jetty
Surveying, Geo-Technical Investigation, Planning, Designing, Construction and Commissioning of RCC Intake Jetty structure with raw water pumping station and HT substation having capacity to supply 17.92 MLD including jetty lightening and internal illumination including 3 months trial run & thereafter 1(one) year operation and maintenance with security and guarding arrangement within Ranaghat Municipality under UIDSSMT component of JNNURM project and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte.
Cooch Behar Overhead Reservoir
Bagnan Overhead Reservoir
Kulgachia Overhead Reservoir
Domkol Overhead Reservoir
Sodepur Pipe Laying By Jack Pushing Technique
Sodepur Pipeline
New Town Pipe Line Project
Domkol Pipe Line Project
Noapara Drainage Pumping Station
Padmapukur Water Treatment Plant 30 Mgd O&M
Kamarhati Augmentation
Padmapukur Sub-Station
Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and 1(one) year Operation & Maintenance of Power Transformer along with allied Electrical Equipments of 6 KV Electrical Power Distribution Sub-Station for the WTPs & CW Pumping Station at Padmapukur WTP campus of Howrah Municipal Corporation under KMDA.
Sankrail Wtp & Intake
Surveying, Design, Engineering, Supplying, Construction, Erection, Testing, Commissioning of Raw Water Pump House over Fixed type Intake jetty near Manikpur ferry ghat (Hooghly river), approach road for carrying construction materials, box culvert class AA loading(min internal width 4.5mt) for cannel Crossing at intake site, Bank Protection, Substation Building for Intake, Raw Water Rising Main, construction of 69MLD Water Treatment Plant based on space Saving Advance Proven Technologies including Administrative Building, Staff quarter & other components, by a centralized SCADA system, Construction of road from WTP to PWD road, on EPC turnkey basis in a single package as per detail scope of work / direction by E-I-C including 6 (six) months Trial Run and Operation & Maintenance for 5 years for SURFACE WATER BASED SCHEME of SANKRAIL BLOCK (INCLUDING SANKRAIL FOOD PARK) AND PART OF DOMJUR, PANCHLA & ULUBERIA-II BLOCKS of HOWRAH DISTRICT under Howrah Division, PHE Dte. (Package-I)”
Jamuria 5 Mgd Radial Collector Well
Raniganj 5 Mgd Radial Collection Well
Kalyani Aiims Water Treatment Plant (23 Mld)
Ranaghat Water Treatment Plant
Survey, Design, Construction and Commissioning of 14.62 MLD capacity conventional type Water Treatment Plant including UGR cum Pumping Station & HT Sub-Station with all other allied works with 1(one) year Operation & Maintenance of the plant at Ranaghat on Turnkey basis under Ranaghat Municipality and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte.
Pujali Water Treatment Plant
9 MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant including CWR cum Pumping Station for Pujali Municipality, Dist. South 24-Parganas (W.B.) under KMDA
Serampore Wtp 27 Mld (Civil & E&M)
27 MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant including 1500 cum capacity CWR cum Pumping Station and electrical Substation for Srirampore Municipality under KMDA
Serampore Wtp 4.5 Mgd (Civil & E&M)
4.5 MGD capacity Water Treatment Plant for Srirampore Municipality, Dist. Hooghly (W.B.) under Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA)Operation and maintenance of 4.5 MGD capacity Water Treatment Plant and Intake Pump of Howrah Water Works located at Srirampur including supply of Chemicals (Alum-Gr.IV, PAC, etc. as applicable and liquid chlorine, as per requirement) and laboratory chemicals, cleaning of premises, disposal of sludge from sludge pond etc. at Srirampur Municipal area for a period of 1(one) year including Guarding of Water Treatment Plant Campus and all other assets of KMDA in the campus round the clock.
Purulia O&M
Quotation for Operation & Maintenance of 8 MLD capacities Water Treatment Plant for a period of 60 (Sixty) months at Ranchi Road, Purulia under Purulia Municipality including guarding arrangement within the plant campus.
Kanchrapara Clear Water Pumping Station
Design, Engineering, Supply, Storage, Installation, Commissioning of all electro-mechanical components for the Clear Water Pumping Station of capacity 34960 cum/day and Power Distribution system located within the WTP campus ofKanchraparaMunicipality under KMDA
Padmapukur Clear Water Pumping Station
Design, Engineering, Supply, Storage, Installation, Commissioning of electro-mechanical components for theClear Water Pumping Station of capacity 46200 cum/day and Power Distribution System located within Padmapukur Water Works of Howrah Municipal Corporation under KMDA
Nabadwip Water Treatment Plant
Survey, Design, Construction, and Commissioning of 23.19 MLD capacity conventional type Surface Water Treatment Plant & 1.52 ML capacity CWR cum Pumping Station and Sub-Station along with all other allied works at Nabadwip on Turnkey Basis including 3 months trial run & thereafter 1(one) year operation and maintenance with security and guarding arrangement within Nabadwip Municipality and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte.
Serampore Cwps 27 Mld
27 MLD capacity Water Treatment Plant including 1500 cum capacity CWR cum Pumping Station and electrical Substation for Srirampore Municipality under KMDA
Balurghat Intake & Wtp
Survey, Design, Construction and Commissioning of 18.29 MLD capacity conventional type Surface Water Treatment Plant with Substation and all other allied works at Balurghat including Trial Run and thereafter one year Operation and Maintenance on Turnkey basis under Balurghat Municipality and under technical guidance and supervision of M.E. Dte
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